Osage Point New Owner Product Selection Showroom Now Open
Osage Point Moves at a Fast Pace as Interior and Exterior Finishes Progress
Framing Nearing Completion, Interior Rough-Ins Progressing
Osage Point Production is Back On Track
Great News Came This Week for Osage Point to Restart!
Osage Point Production Mode Gains Momentum
- Toyhouse Rebuild 4-3-17
Osage Point Experiences Amazing Progress
Framing Moving Fast in Just 25 Hours at Osage Point 02/11/2017
- 02-11-2017 Framing Progress
Framing Moving Fast in Just 18 Hours at Osage Point 02/09/2017 Thru 02/10/2017
- 02-08-2017 and 02-10-2017 Framing Progress
Osage Point Archives Success…..Slabs are Poured!
Osage Point has Huge Week for Construction Progress
Osage Point Toy House Framing is Taking Shape. Weather is a challenge!
Osage Point Foundations Progress Ahead of Schedule
- Osage Point Foundations Progress Ahead of Schedule
Osage Point Foundations Begin
- Osage Point Foundations Begin
- Foundations Have Started
- Foundations Have Started
Osage Point Ground Breaking Ceremony was a Huge Success!
- Ground Breaking Ceremony was a Huge Success!